standing fast for liberty. Gal. 5:1
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Words from the Rising Republics




      Big Central bank officials escape 20-year jail sentences because the corporations are considered “too big to fail” even when the officials function as criminals making them what the FBI before congress has labeled as a “criminal enterprises”.

     _______ crimes, at a minimum, avoided prosecution under Title 18 §1512.

     Public officials work for the citizens not the other way around.

THE ANSWER: All Public Officials, without a “faithful performance bond”, must be immediately removed from office. __________ TOMORROW. Afterwards vacate all governmental offices until all are emptied and then refilled with bondable servants.

     Seize all the un-bonded officials’ personal assets until all the damages they imposed. Settled all claims for “unfaithful performance”.  

     The “destructive cancer” will consume America if we citizens allow it to continue and to spread. It is our duty to insist upon the Rule of Law.


"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error, it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error."  American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 332, 442 (1950).


     What do you call it when a bunch of companies colludes to set prices, fix markets, close off competition, capture regulators, and bribe politicians? We call it a cartel, right? Like the oil cartel. You have heard that term before? Few have heard the term, BANKING CARTEL.

    Oh, we don't hear that term. In America, we don't have the banking cartel? We don't talk about the information cartel, right? Across America, some work for one of the information cartel companies, even in Alabama. Cartels are most insidiously when we don't talk about them, when they hide in the shadows, but are in plain view.

   The banking system payments, the finance system is the biggest cartel in the world. Nobody calls them a cartel because they are the biggest cartel in the world.

     So, they own all of the media, newspapers, TV channels, politicians, lawyers, and their gang-member network makes it very easy for them to get away with crimes. In fact, MAGA CRIMES. Ten million foreclosures in less than a decade, few enforceable foreclosures, as decided by the Kansas State Supreme Court.    

     Just after the crisis in 2008, instead of some banker gang members going to jail, what happened was that they set up additional layer of crimes through a series of fraudulent foreclosures, “robo signing”. Remember that crisis?

     One of the leading companies in that ‘robo signing space”, the biggest “robo signer” of all was run by a guy called STEVE T. MNUCHIN. What that guy does today is that he is the Treasury Secretary, and apparently, he can do that job without running it from a jail cell.

     He caught a deal. He didn't have to accept any wrongdoing. Then quickly got a “cozy” job where now he has the ultimate level of protection, which is qualified immunity.

     That is how cartels work. First, capture the market, then capture the regulator who is always, of course, about consumer protection. The regulator is there to protect against evil things happening. Like for example, money laundering.

   If you don't have a banking license, no money laundering for you. But if you do have a banking license, well, I mean everyone must protect the system. So, they'll be fine. Usually the fine (even $25 billion) will be less than what the cartel stole ($32 Trillion) by money-laundering and identity theft. Actually, money laundering and the many exemptions granted, turns illegal plunder into legal plunder that allows them to get away with it, right?

     Of course, we don't want to see a new financing of terrorists, except for the ones we do through the State Department, the CIA or the banks, in which case those are good people. So, we have Homeland Security Regulators who can early identify the source of funds for terrorist capture. The Cartel simply ignores making any self-incriminating reports even though the report is mandatory. The Central Banking Cartel has determined national security an obstacle in its global quest of favorable balance sheets. What matters is an accumulation of worthless derivatives. The annual bonus is made to look authentic, a kind of situation doll- playhouses.

   It encourages behaviors that are fundamentally parasitic so when capitalism fails, in this particular mode, and when crony capitalism has been fully embraced, a new word is spoken, kleptocracy. Kleptocracy is from the Greek word klepto, which means thief and cracy which means authority.

   So, the thieves are in power, literally that is kleptocracy. What happens when you have a kleptocracy is that the most parasitic behaviors get rewarded so it's actually not about competing when you operate business at that scale.

   It's not about competing. What it is about is finding the biggest flow of money in the economy, straddling that money pipe and sticking the straw into it and sucking as much of that money out as you can.

     So, you can establish yourself as a parasitic leech on the flow of money which pretty much describes the entire bank and financial payment system, (fractional- banking) on the idea, first find a job that requires an intermediary, and the reason it requires an intermediary is because you've made sure that you bought some lying lawyers mouthing incompetent evidence courts rule authentic, and some lawmakers to write a law that makes it necessary to require an intermediary, specifically the cartel. You then stick a strong plow into the flow of money and the cartel start extracting rents from the fashioned peons. It is called rent-seeking-behavior seen taking the nation’s assets by half a percentage point here and half a percentage point there. Nothing is at risks, but the costs to the peon is three times its stated original value. The peon can never own what the peon’s labor purchases.

     We have this wonderful thing called fractional-reserve-banking, which if you try to describe to a small child, they probably turn around shortly and say that sounds like a fraud and they would be right. But, of course, there's a big difference between a fraud and something that's illegal plunder. How it is spun depends on which politicians or law enforcement that is bought to make sure it is called “legal plunder”.

   So, we have these parasitic cartel companies that sit on top of these flows of money extracting rents they create. This rent seeking behavior, and in doing so, will disrupt competition and make sure that no one can compete. Competition is disrupted by the buying of competitors, by suing competitors or, even better, by making sure the competitors can't keep up with regulation by capturing regulators. Cartels make sure that the competition is kept at bay. What is most important, its constructed façade is such and is made certain so that nobody can call it a cartel.

   Instead, we call it the shining example of American capitalism and the end result of this would be appallingly in its own self-righteousness. I mean, obviously, this is not a good model to run an economy. It's not a competitive model to an economy, but who is really hurt doesn't really matter if a bunch of people get obscenely rich without having to compete with others. Doesn't really matter to most people in a semi-functioning and thriving economy.

   It doesn't matter. That's the magic. Until money breaks, it is just part of the benefits of freedom. The premium of liberty is the ability to not give a rip about how any of it works. You don't need to worry about these details, you live in a free country. You are free to instead pay attention to Sunday football and enjoy your life and have another hot dog. When money stops working, suddenly all of it comes crashing back and you have to start learning some new vocabulary.

     Suddenly, at some point at the end of 2008, we all began learning new vocabulary. “Granny, what is a credit-default-swap?” “Let's ask uncle Gene. He has a degree in finance.”

   He doesn't know either. The people in the business didn't know the definition of a credit-default-swap. Most of all, they know not how it works and who was found to be behind it.

     Suddenly, everybody needs to know what a credit-default-swap is because apparently a giant hole was chewed right into the middle of the economy. Money stops working.

     Everything stops working and suddenly everyone is on a crash course to learn about whose fault was it? There are two alternative histories. In one of these histories, there were some slipups, some things happen. Some people made some mistakes, assumed to be bad mistakes. BUT YOU KNOW THEY'RE JUST PEOPLE TRYING TO DO THEIR JOB. In the end it was mostly the fault of greedy homeowners who didn't read the fine print carefully enough to realize that they were buying a ballooning interest rate and had the audacity to want to own a home.

   So, because of these greedy people, the real estate market hadn't seen worse. But don't worry because you know the responsible people had their homes taken away. The banks got some cash infusions which we don't talk about too much. After everything was fixed by passing laws so that it cannot happen again. All were told that really, really it was just a small blip. In the next 10 years, we just rebuild everything and everybody's happy.

     And now we have a warning, I can't believe it's working great. That story number one, story number two, which may be for little more professionals who are probably more in the middle class and are promise blind. They strip mine the entire economy. They have an orgy of fraud in which they knew exactly what they were doing because there are mountains and mountains and mountains of evidence that the least competent RICO lawyer could use to unravel the entire thing and SEND 500 PEOPLE TO JAIL FOR 25 YEARS and all that was ignored because we have to save the system. Otherwise the system would crush us all, so we dumped more than $10 trillion in an orgy of QUANTITATIVE EASING into the banks, which they did not used to stimulate any part of the economy, but instead to blow another giant bubble into real estate. The giant bubble into the stock market, a giant bubble into student loans, into subprime auto, into every part of the economy while at the same time they make sure those cops out there beat the sh** out of anyone who had the audacity to go out and protest as part of occupy Wall Street and that didn't work and they turned protest into a crime in an orgy of crime. They didn't just damage the economy. They rape the rule of law in this country and destroy the justice system so they could get away with it and we come full circle today 10 years later and where are we, $10 trillion more in debt. 10 more giant bubbles and it's going to happen again because a system like that is fragile because a system like that is corrupt and it's not just corrupt but it is architecturally designed in such a way as to reward and encourage that kind of behavior using a system of incentives if when you commit a crime, the penalty is less than the profits you made committing the crime.

   That is LEGAL IMMUNITY. That is a very, very loud signal in a system of capitalism, which says, do it again only this time leverage more. We could probably squeeze out another 10 years. Now a lot of solutions have been proposed for this because the problem with destroying institutions within a society is that many people who are then functionally destroyed, whose livelihood gets destroyed. Rage upon rage gets misdirected. It's the old adage of the really rich guy having 99 cookies. The middle class having one cookie and the rich guy dispatching suits going to take the other cookie and that's the oldest trick in the game. That is but one little piece of information.

     One of the houses stolen by Steve Mnuchin's Robo signing firm was taken by suits acting under the radar. I will not name him because he doesn't deserve to be named, who sends 17 bombs to Democratic congresspeople, just a few weeks ago. The guy got Robo closed on by Steve Mnuchin and decided to turn his rage against immigrants, gays and Democrats, for what reason, I don't know.

     But the point being is that when you have that kind of destruction in a society, when you destroy the institutions of the rule of law and you create rage among people they don't know where to turn and what you have is violence and extremism, bigotry, hatreds, and a desperate desire to find someone to blame.

     And of course, you can't really blame those guys because they are behind a very tall wall, so they have very good security and guillotines are out of fashion, so they try that in France, but cannot do it again because we are now a civilized country.

     So, what do you do protests? Okay, well that ends in an orgy of violence by militarized police which is doing exactly what police have always done? You can't do that, occupy, was tried, Again, an orgy of violence. See a lot of young voters who tried to see it. The conclusion was a course of least resistance, “Like I don't give a blank. These old people messed it up. I'm just going to go and play my game and ignore all of this.”

     Doesn’t work out very well trying to become part of the parasitic class. Who has somehow scrambling and clawing away escaped the middle class? Only problem is, this time, in full view the cartel ship is coming out behind you and it's moving faster than you are. In the middle-class movement, it is actually sliding backward so fast that while some are trying to scramble out of it, the middle-class is really backsliding so that doesn't work. Can we fix this problem?



The Declaration of Independence canceled any notion that kings ruled by Divine Right. The Prince of this World could only offer bondage. God gave each of his creation the opportunity to be free simply by accepting His plea, a free gift or remedy provided the remedy was accepted, from the heart, within a specified length of time. After death, one who refused the free remedy has an eternal hell to pay.

The Constitution granted freedom governed through “public Law”. Since 1933, all Americans are today governed by “public policy”. Rid yourself of “default thinking” and embrace “future based thinking” where freedom alone prevails.